Hi gang, thought I'd give you all an update on how Lobotomon is progressing. As I've said in the previous update/post, I'm finishing all sprites of the Lobotomon THEN focusing my attention onto map work. Anyway, I know what you're here for; here you go:

That's right, I'm feeling generous today B), this is the evolution like of a Lobotomon called Ocelo. Ocelo are given to members of a certain tribe to the south of Texoca when they reach adulthood. However, they can be gifted to outsiders in certain situations (that outsider being you.) The second evolution of this Lobotomon is called Ocelotu. After evolving, Ocelotu begin to act independent. There are often lost Ocelotu posters in big Texocan cities (to the dismay of local residents.) The final evolution doesn't actually look like that, I've just blackened it as I'm not 100% on it's design yet. But hey, feel free to try and reverse it if you can ;) and no, you can't know it's name..... uuunlesss you can solve this:

--.- .... -. ...- .- .... / -.--. -. ...- ...- -.- / --.- ...- .. -.-.-- -.--.-

(fyi, I've forgotten what I've done to it so, good luck.)

Next up:

Sticking to the theme of feline-looking Lobotomon, this evolution line starts with the Lobotomon Bumbon. As a Grass type, Bumbon can be found in forests and general grassy areas. (get it?) Much like Rastabird, Bumbon aren't native to our dearest Texoca. There's always some kind of pungent aura around these Lobotomon, according to your neighbor, it has healing properties. After evolving into Bumboking, this Lobotomon stays as a pure grass type (I debated making it a poison type, but it's be kinda weak - so here we are.) Bumboking is probably one of my favorite names for a Lobotomon.


As seen on the cover, these two Lobotomon are both fire types. The first stage evolution, Ignikitty can be found in both urban environments and volcanic areas. Tourists who attempt to pet Ignikitties are often left with blackened fingertips. (when I was making this design, I couldn't get the mouth right - don't be surprised if the design is altered slightly in the full game.) After evolving into Inferntiger, Ignikitty becomes more serious. Inferntiger can be seen working in factories and industrial sites. They have been more popular recently as Lobotomon don't need to be paid.


Oh yeah, this dude. Saddlesnail... uh.... They exist! They're uh... Steel Water type! Good for them! Spending most of their lives trudging around cities, most Lobotomon trainers don't add Saddlesnail to their party...

doesn't that one fatty use one?
Travis? Dunno. I try to ignore him.
How? he lives behind your lab...
This is why I don't pay you.

but hey, if you have an affinity towards hating yourself and not having fun, there's plenty to catch! Nobody wants them! In fact, PLEASE CATCH THEM!! This Lobotomon doesn't evolve and to be honest, is one of my favorites. Look at those eyes that got messed up when I uploaded him to yeah!



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(2 edits) (-2)

Some of these designs look too detailed. I prefer it when sprites (especially in creature collectors) are more simple

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