Hello......... I'm glad to say that all Lobotomon have been coded into the game (besides cries but that's for later.) now, the game can start development fully on maps and/or character sprites. TO celebrate, I though I'd show you all some more Lobotomon, for the last time ;)

Okay, first up:

This duo is Soda-Sama and Machocan. They both share the same first evolution, but evolve into two different Lobotomon. CAN you guess what the difference is???? can????? because they're.... Whatever.... Machocan is STEEL/FIGHTING  and Soda-Sama is STEEL/FAIRY. These two Lobotomon won't appear until quite late into the game, so you better be patient. 

Okie dokie.... next up:

These two are called Tycane and Tornalien Respectively. They are both pure Flying type and will be found in northern Texoca. (in the wild at least.) To be honest, Tornalien and therefore Tycane were thiiiissss close to being booted from the roster of Lobotomon. Tornalien's design just never seemed right, no matter how hard I edited it (but it's too late now...)

Coming up next:

Chitlindor and Fungorn! These guys can be found only in deep Texocan forests... stealing items of unsuspecting tourists with those long ass fingers.... oooooooooooooooooo....... These two did use to have a third evolution, but it ended  up looking too cool so it was repurposed into a legendary (No. You can't see it.)

Last and CERTAINLY not least:

Cactird and Tenochtiteagle!!!!!!! Woweee!!!!! okay, these two are both GRASS/FLYING types so, if you use any of these two, you better keep a 'keen eye' out for Team Lawnmower... keen eye? because they both can have the ability.... keen... whatever.... ANYWAY! These Lobotomon were both based off the founding of Tenochtitlan where the Aztec God Huitzilopochtli (had to google that) directed the Aztec settlers to build a city where ever they first saw an eagle on top of a cactus, strangling a snake (there is no snake.) Pretty cool right?

Oh yeah, if you would be so kind, please take like 4 seconds to fill this one question survey so I know which starter you guys are picking. Many thanks:

On a serious note, thank you all so much for the support over the past month or so, it means a lot to me. Lobotomon's development has only just begun ;) expect to see more Devlogs coming out soon. I'll make one whenever something cool happens (maybe with a custom story like the Team Lawnmower Reveal) I don't think you guys would find tile sets very exciting... Really though, thank you.


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That space between the 2nd and 3rd more is annoying as fuck lmao. Good to see u back goopul o7