Hello, thought I'd give you guys the first (little) look into Lobotomon's actual story. Most of the development in terms of sprites and animations is finished to a point where the game is playable and enjoyable, so the time has come for another devlog. Anyway, in Lobotomon, you as the player are tasked with the goal of stopping the villainous team Lawnmower at some point in the story. During the story, Team Lawnmower gathers 7 Mythical Lobotomon who are based off the seven sins: Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy and Pride. But why? You'll have to wait my little sponge ;) Right, here's what you're here for. These designs are the peak of my creative limits so please enjoy them:

This is the Lobotomon based off lust. This Lobotomon is a Psychic/Fairy type. This one is the most simple out of the designs so there isn't much symbolism besides the red(ish) colours on the Lobotomon's design. Anyway, next up:


Believe it or not, this Lobotomon represents the sin of gluttony. You can tell that because of it's big ass mouth.  This Lobotomon is Ground/Steel type. Not because of some random like philosophical reason, just because it is brown and gray. :)

The Lobotomon of greed. Covered by golden scales whose shine can blind even the most valiant of trainers is up next. Much like the other two, not much to say besides it's a cool ass snake with some freaky type tongue. Dark/Steel type (might change bc x4 weakness to fighting lmao)

Oooooo boyyyyyy this Ice/Dragon type is the representation of Sloth. Oddly enough, there is another very similar line of Lobotomon that this Lobotomon is a rejection of (just too damn cool looking for THAT line) the design was either gonna be this or like a really fat dude (same for Gluttony.)

Next up is Wrath. Can you guess what type this one is??? It's Water/Grass. That was a joke. Please laugh. But no, this design caused me the most trouble. The little tumor thing on the end of it's tail can also be seen in a similar non spooky skull Lobotomon that looks rather similar to this design. Hmmmmm............... Okay next one:

Kind've similar to Sloth, the Lobotomon for Envy was once not going to be a single stage mythical. Instead, it had two previous evolutions that were basically smaller versions with less tongues and limbs that have been popped  off. The colour scheme of green and purple actually is in effect because for whatever reason, lots of other Lobotomon have the same colour scheme when in their shiny forms (which might be another dev log in the future.)

Finally, we have the Lobotomon of Pride. What else better to represent pride than a griffin? (peter) Once again, not much to say about this one, errmmm..... yurp.

And that brings us to the end of this dev log. Thank you dearly for reading this far o7 and make sure to keep and eye out for any other future game release dates or dev logs, which should start to become regular again.


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